As our work lives become more sedentary, the importance of having a healthy, ergonomic work environment increases. At Bambach Saddle Seat, we strive to give our customers a sound ergonomic seating solution which supports and encourages correct seating posture. Our saddle seats are customised to suit the individual user, taking into account personal attributes such as height, gender, occupation, environment and workstation. Bambach chairs can be used in offices, dental surgeries, hospitals, veterinary clinics and art studios – basically anywhere where people need to sit down!
In our first blog post, we discuss the multiple benefits of using our ergonomic office chairs in the workplace:
Improves Posture
The first benefit of using a Bambach chair is that it helps improve your posture. Unlike traditional ‘ergonomic’ chairs which support the lumbar curve of your spine by pushing into your back, our saddle seats allow you to maintain optimum spinal function. Good task seating should position our centre of gravity over our seat bones, rotating the pelvis upright and allowing the spine to remain in its natural ‘S’ shape, rather than the crunched ‘C’ shape common in conventional seating. The Bambach Saddle Seat allows our joints to be in a neutral, stress-free position, while helping us maintain good posture throughout our work day. Our chairs can even help you build muscle tone, thanks to the active seating position.
Enhances Productivity
Another benefit which comes with using the Bambach Saddle Seat is enhanced productivity. Because the spine is held in a neutral position, breathing and circulation improves, reducing fatigue and allowing you to concentrate on your work. Our chairs also ensure that you can function optimally, with major joints at minimum stress enabling you to easily perform tasks. If your work involves a lot of reaching, varying work heights, long periods of standing, getting up and down from your seat or close work requiring accuracy and excellent hand-eye coordination, then you will especially benefit from our range of ergonomic office chairs.
Reduces Back Pain
Most of us spend up to 70% of their day at work sitting, which has resulted in a large increase in posture-related injuries and more people requiring an office chair with back support. Our tendency to slouch or hunch over when sitting for long periods can cause damage to the spine over time. This poor posture also contributes to shoulder, neck and back pain, as well as impacting on our productivity, overall health and quality of life. If you are looking for the best office chair for lower back pain, then you could benefit from using the Bambach Saddle Seat. The ergonomic design of our saddle seats allows your body to sit naturally and comfortably, providing a solution to poor posture and back problems.
Increases Dexterity and Mobility
For a range of professionals including dentists, vets, opticians, radiologists, chiropractors, general practitioners, massage therapists and hospital workers, mobility and dexterity are crucial. The Bambach Saddle Seat is the best ergonomic office chair to help increase your dexterity and precision in the workplace, as a result of muscles and joints being in balance. Our chairs support and stabilise your body, freeing your hands and feet for work and movement. The straddle posture improves hand accuracy and power as well as improving sitting balance, making it easy to move about your workspace, reach equipment or operate a foot switch as needed.
Provides Greater Stability
Bambach chairs also provide you with greater stability compared to conventional office chairs. Although standing desks are currently popular, ergonomic experts argue that sitting down to work has a range of benefits including relieving the lower limb joints from load bearing, reducing energy consumption, providing a better range of movement and stability for the worker, and preventing you from working for an extended amount of time in unnatural positions. Unlike alternative ergonomic seating options such as kneeling chairs, which are difficult to use and put pressure on the knees, or bicycle seats which tilt the pelvis back into an unstable position, the Bambach Saddle Seat is an office chair which provides back support while keeping your legs stable, ensuring free movement as well as safe and easy reaching.
Customisable to Suit Your Workplace
The final benefit of using the Bambach Saddle Seat is its ability to be easily customised to suit your workplace.The contemporary design of our saddle seats can be easily integrated into any office and customised to suit innovative fit-outs. Bambach is the only saddle seat which is custom-made to suit your individual needs and requirements, available in four different sizes, seven different stem heights, and a wide variety of colours, fabrics and accessories. Whether you are looking for the best office chair for lower back pain, an ergonomic office chair which will improve your posture and productivity, or a saddle seat which will give you the dexterity and mobility you need in the workplace, there is a Bambach to suit you.
The Bambach is the original saddle seat, designed and manufactured in Australia by occupational therapist Mary Gale. Bambach chairs are tested by AFRDI to the highest standards and are recommended by health professionals worldwide. To find the best Bambach seating solution for you, use our online seat calculator to choose a chair model or Contact Us today!